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Gambero Rosso Dinner Show 2021


Il Gambero Rosso Dinner Show

A flavorful summer at the Grand Hotel Poltu Quatu, nestled within the stunning surroundings of the Costa Smeralda, has been the setting for the Gambero Rosso Dinner Show, a novel fusion of flavors crafted by Michelin-starred chef Ciro Scamardella, accompanied by picturesque performances.

Among the most celebrated chefs from Gambero Rosso, Scamardella has led each guest through a crescendo of sensations, as every ingredient was meticulously chosen, experimented, refined, and heightened to merge with the rhythms, sounds, and performances of the most eclectic artists who took to the seaside stage. All of this was paired with the impeccable and discreet service of the 5-star Grand Hotel Poltu Quatu.

The show, drawing inspiration from the legendary ’80s with contemporary twists, is the brainchild of artistic director Giampiero Gencarelli, among the most renowned choreographers for famed TV shows like “Dancing with the Stars” and “Domenica In“. The audience’s attention was captured by the changes in rhythm and international-level performances, including those by Marion Crampe, a versatile and passionate contortionist and dancer.

An engaging spectacle, it has succeeded in drawing in notable personalities including Claudio Marchisio, Elisa Isoardi, Can Yaman, and Jimmy Ghione, who have all been enthralled by the chef’s culinary delights.

Concept ideation, design, and production are the expertise of Eleven.

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